In an attempt to fix some service issues that I had been experiencing with Comcast, I contacted them on the phone to swap out my cablemodem with a new DOCSIS v.3 model that I had picked up. The rep on the phone insisted that I was paying too much, and proceeded to make changes to my account to fix how much I was paying. Long story short, my cable bill shot up to over $300/month. This fed me up enough to find a way to finally join a growing number of people and “cut the cord”. My issue was that I wanted to find a way to cut the cord, without losing access to the content that my family enjoys. This is where I turned my attention to the SlingTV.
All posts for the month September, 2014
Hadn’t updated my blog back-end in a couple years, so decided to take a look at what was new with MovableType, my choice of back-end software for blogging needs. Unfortunately, it seems that sometime last year sixapart decided to move away from even providing a single blogger account level license. I’ve loved working with MT over the years, but that change is enough to make me jump ship, so I started looking for alternatives. WordPress was an obvious choice. The process I followed to convert my site content is as follows: